Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back to Square One- CSF is normal

In my ongoing quest to get a new diagnosis, last month I had a lumbar puncture. The good news: the procedure and the recovery were incredibly less painful than the one I had in Dec. The bad news: my Cerebral Spinal Fluid is normal. The opening pressure was ten, and all the tests they performed on the fluid were negative. Now lest you think I wanted an illness which can only be diagnosed via CSF, I was hoping they would find something for which I could receive an effective treatment. I have been sick for 6 years now, and my disease has not responded to any of the drugs nor treatments that I've tried.
This new neurologist, who specializes in headache disorders, has reached the same conclusion as all the other physicians: intractable migraine disease. He wants me to revisit some of the drugs I took years ago, thinking they might be more effective now. I am willing to try almost anything, but I disliked some of the side effects; they made me feel worse, actually. I'll discuss it with him at my next appointment.
Meanwhile, I appreciate all the support I have received from you all, my readers. Thank you for your kind thoughts and messages.


Nicole K/GothamGal said...

As someone who's had migraines, I feel for you, though I am certain my migraine was nothing compared to yours. I will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
Good luck!

Thanks for following.

Unknown said...

Very sorry to hear it is back to square one.
I know the meds make my hubby crazy so he is med free now.
We try to grow as much food as we can and eliminate most processed food, it has helped alot.
He still drinks his soda pop BUT I have switched him to organic Tea dn sugar so it is less chemicals than before.

Made by Mandy said...

I am sorry to hear that you are in so much pain. I suffer from migraine every 18 months or so and hate how debilitating it is at the time. I cannot imagine what it must be like to have these headaches on a constant basis.

You have my utmost admiration for staying so upbeat about it, there are many who would not be.

(((( Big Hugs ))))

Stampin_melissa said...

I am sorry that you didn't get the results you were looking for. Please keep trying. I don't have migraines but I have dealt with stomach pain. Several years ago I was diagnosed with gastritis, my stomach hurt anytime it was empty. Yea, I heard all the wise cracks about how LUCKY I was to have an excuse it eat. Then my stomach started to hurt when it was empty AND after I had eaten. Last summer I went to an allergist to see what environment things I was allergic to (I can't cut the grass since I suffer for days) and the doctor wanted to also test for food allergies. Turns out I'm also allergic to tomato, potato, eggs, oats and avocado. Since I have cut these foods out of my diet I only have an occasional stomach pain. I'm off my daily pills and take an occasional Tums. Sorry to be so long winded but I'm hoping it will give you some hope and to continue working to find some relief from your pain. {{{hugs}}}

Bamabel said...

Hey! Thank you for coming by my blog to leave a comment. That way so nice of you to do. I am sorry to hear you are hurting. I will keep you in my t's and p's!!! Big hugs to you! I actually am coming back south this next week! Me and the hubby are driving down to Bama to stay with our family. He is only staying a week, but I am going to stay about a month. I am really looking forward to it. We haven't been home since Christmas, so it will be a nice change! Anyway, you take care hon!


Avenueswithoutlimit said...

I am so so sorry about the result..
Will keep you in my prayers.
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Thank you,

ikki said...

Hi, I noticed that you had joined my blog followers and I just wanted to say hello and welcome. Sorry to hear that you are suffering in this way and sincerely hope the docs can find a way to sort your problem out. Hope to see some of your crafting soon - you have a great crafting space. ikki